Book an appointment

15 minute discovery call

An introductory call for you to get to know me and work out if my approach is right for you and your family. I can also help you decide which package would be most useful if needed.

Bronze Package

This is perfect if you need some help figuring out a solution to a problem but are confident putting it into practise without ongoing support.

It includes a 1 hour call to discuss any issues you may be having such as early wakes, frequent night wakes, bed time battles, suspected reflux etc.

I will give some tips and personalised advice on the call which you can implement straight away.

I will send through a bespoke plan for your child with tips and ideas to get things back on track within 48 hours.

Please note - no follow up is included with this plan.

Silver Package (3 weeks support)

This is great for younger kids or if you need a little support to get sleep back on track. If the bedtime routine used to be a dream but now all of a sudden has started taking hours with millions of demands. Or they used to sleep through the night but all of a sudden you realise they’ve been in your bed every night for the last few months and you’ve kicked your partner out to the spare room so you can all get some sleep.

It includes a 1 hour call to discuss everything that is going on for your child’s sleep. You can ask questions and I will give some initial ideas that you can put into place straight away.

I will send through a bespoke plan for your child with tips and ideas to get things back on track within 48 hours.

You then have 3 weeks of follow up WhatsApp support to virtually hold your hand through the process (in waking hours).

Gold Package (6 weeks support)

Sometimes sleep difficulties can be slightly more complex and may involve more ground work such as building connection or working on anxieties before working on sleep. I therefore offer a longer block of support for these cases. If during our initial discussion we feel it will be quite simple then I will discuss whether you’d prefer to move to a Silver package instead.

It includes a 1 hour call to discuss everything that is going on for your child’s sleep. You can ask questions and I will give some initial ideas that you can put into place straight away.

I will send over a bespoke plan for your child with tips and ideas to get things back on track within 48 hours.

You will then have follow up WhatsApp support to virtually hold your hand over the next 6 weeks (during waking hours) with the option of another 2 x 30 minute calls if needed.